NBC News The bird flu has now infected at least six people in California, officials said Monday.
The infected work at dairy farms in the Central Valley, where they might have been infected by cows. A shocking video from a veterinarian shows dead cows on the side of the road in Tulare County. Those cows confirmed to have had the bird flu virus.
The video taken by Dr. Crystal Heath, veterinarian and the Executive Director at the nonprofit Our Honor, shows the dead cows off Mendonsa Farm in Tipton, a farm in Tulare county about 50 miles north of Bakersfield. The video showed dozens of the dead cows piled against each other with their udders marked with Xs.
“I was shocked that they would have cows on the side of the road like that, uncovered, where anybody driving by could see, ” said Heath. “I was also shocked that there were no warning signs, warning people of this avian outbreak.”
Anja Raudabaugh, CEO of Western United Dairies confirmed the cows all died of the bird flu. There are still no warning signs up where the bodies were laying.