University of Nebraska Medical Center

Insomnia common months after even mild COVID-19


According to the results of a new survey given to Vietnamese patients and published in Frontiers in Public Health yesterday76% people who reported mild COVID-19 infections in the previous 6 months said they now experience insomnia, with 22.8% of those respondents saying their insomnia is severe.

The study was based on surveys given to 1,056 adults who had been diagnosed as having COVID-19 in the past 6 months. All study participants were reached through a national Vietnamese register of confirmed COVID cases. No one was hospitalized for their COVID infections, and participants reported no history of insomnia or psychiatric conditions.

Surveys on a range of symptoms following COVID-19 were completed from June to September 2022. In addition to demographic information, participants were asked about the duration and severity of COVID-19 infections, anxiety, depression, or stress symptoms.

Patients were also asked to compare how well they slept, how long they slept, and how easy it was to fall asleep in the previous 2 weeks, compared to before contracting COVID-19.

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