University of Nebraska Medical Center

Thailand reports a nearly 500% increase in dengue in 2023

Outbreak News Today In a follow-up on the Thailand dengue fever situation in 2023, the Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control (DDC) reports 19,503 total cases through June 7. This is an increase of 475 percent compared the the 3386 cases reported during the same period in 2022.

The epidemic reached its highest level in three years, officials note. The most affected areas include Bangkok, Trat, Nan, Chanthaburi, Rayong, and Mae Hong Son.

In addition, 17 deaths have been reported to date. Last year at this time, three dengue deaths were reported in Thailand.

The health ministry predicts that the trend of increasing dengue cases will continue during the rainy months of June to August before it begins to decline in September.

Dengue is a disease caused by a virus spread through mosquito bites. The disease can take up to 2 weeks to develop with illness generally lasting less than a week.

Health effects from dengue include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, rash, muscle and joint pain, and minor bleeding.

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