University of Nebraska Medical Center

More than 11,000 animals have died from bird flu in Chile


The authorities corroborated the death of 9,853 sea lions, 1,555 Humboldt penguins, 27 chungungos, 21 spiny porpoises, 14 Chilean dolphins and one mane.More than 11,000 animals have died from bird flu in Chile

Senapesca made a balance this Monday on the advance of bird flu in Chile, detailing that a total of 11,471 specimens have died as a result of this influenza.

Of this universe, the authorities confirmed the death of 9,853 sea lions, 1,555 Humboldt penguins, 27 chungungos, 21 spiny porpoises, 14 Chilean dolphins and one huillín.

One of the latest cases was reported in a common sea lion in Melinka , in the Guaitecas archipelago, Aysén Region. Jorge Padilla , deputy regional director of Sernapesca Aysén, commented that “thanks to a phone call, a citizen reported that a dead sea lion was found on Repollal beach, La Virgen sector, Isla de las Guaitecas.”

“When officials from the Melinka community office attended, they were able to identify that it corresponded to a juvenile common sea lion, which, given the conditions with no apparent cause of death, was sampled for avian influenza, testing positive for this disease,” Padilla added about the second case of positive sea lion in the Aysén Region.

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