University of Nebraska Medical Center

Neuroscientists Find Long COVID Smell Loss Linked to Changes in the Brain

Science Tech Daily

People living with long COVID who suffer from loss of smell show different patterns of activity in certain regions of the brain, a new study led by University College London (UCL) researchers has found.

The research used MRI scanning to compare the brain activity of people with long COVID who lost their sense of smell, those whose smell had returned to normal after COVID infection, and people who had never tested positive for COVID-19.

People living with long COVID who suffer from loss of smell show different patterns of activity in certain regions of the brain, a new study led by University College London (UCL) researchers has found.

The research used MRI scanning to compare the brain activity of people with long COVID who lost their sense of smell, those whose smell had returned to normal after COVID infection, and people who had never tested positive for COVID-19.

Joint senior author, Professor Claudia Wheeler-Kingshott (UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology), said: “Our findings highlight the impact COVID-19 is having on brain function. They raise the intriguing possibility that olfactory training – that is, retraining the brain to process different scents – could help the brain to recover lost pathways, and help people with long COVID recover their sense of smell.”

Researchers say their findings also suggest that the brains of people with long COVID smell loss might be compensating for this lost sense by boosting connections with other sensory regions: their brains had increased activity between the parts of the brain that process smell and areas that process sight (the visual cortex).

“This tells us that the neurons that would normally process smell are still there, but they’re just working in a different way,” said Dr. Wingrove.

Professor Rachel Batterham (UCL Division of Medicine), also joint senior author of the study said: “This is the first study to our knowledge that looks at how brain activity changes in people with long COVID smell loss. It builds on the work we undertook during the first wave of the pandemic, which was one of the first to describe the link between COVID-19 infection with both loss of smell and taste.”

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