University of Nebraska Medical Center

Region 7 CDC Center

The field of Public Health Preparedness and Response (PHPR) plays a crucial role in protecting public health and responding to emergencies. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent events have revealed both strengths and significant gaps in knowledge, practice, and structures within the PHPR field. To enhance even further uptake of PHPR evidence-based strategies and interventions (EBSIs), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has established 10 regional PHPR Centers across the country in each of the 10 HHS regions. These Centers will support such PHPR practices and collaborations at the state, territorial, local, and tribal (STLT) levels. University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) was awarded the PHPR Center in Region 7 (R7) (IA, KS, MO, NE). Specifically, the University of Iowa College of Public Health will be a partner on the project. The center will work with a coalition of regional partners, including local and tribal public health departments, healthcare coalition coordinators, state leaders and private industry leaders. For additional information on the regional PHPR Centers, please review related legislative language and the CDC press release.


Regional CDC Centers

Regional CDC Centers

Regional Resources

Transmission Newsletter

UNMC's Global Center for Health Security has launched The Transmission, a curated weekly by the Global Center for Health Security is wrap-up of timely, relevant news and data focused on global health security, The Transmission is curated and produced by Claudinne Miller, a former Department of Defense intelligence analyst who has for years produced reports to top-level U.S. government leadership and international public health, academic, and government leaders about past outbreaks.

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Region 7 Infectious Disease Briefings

UNMC’s Global Center for Health Security (GCHS) and the Region VII Disaster Health Response Ecosystem (R7DHRE) conduct biweekly meetings (every other Tuesday at 9am CT) with local and state public health and healthcare representatives. These meetings focus on reviewing and discussing recent developments related to current infectious disease challenges. Dr. James V. Lawler, MD, MPH, FIDSA, presents comprehensive updates on data and advancements at local, state, national, and international levels.

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Transmission Interrupted

Explore the Transmission Interrupted podcast, hosted by the National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC). The podcast explores a wide range of important health care topics through the lens of special pathogens hosted by a variety of experts. Topics include health care worker safety, personal protective equipment, and other infectious diseases information.

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Meet Our Team

Rachel Lookadoo, JD

Rachel Lookadoo, JD

Principal Investigator

Lauren Sauer, PhD, MSc

Lauren Sauer, PhD, MSc

Co- Principal Investigator

Sophie Shea, MPH

Sophia Shea, MPH

Executive Director

Lauryn Burbridge, BSEM, EMT

Lauryn Burbridge, BSEM, EMT

Project Manager

Karina Morales, BA

Karina Morales, BA

Administrative Lead

Our Partners

University of Iowa

Sato Ashida

Sato Ashida, PhD

Prinicpal Investigator

Vickie Miene

Vickie Miene, MS, MA, LMCH

Project Director 


Erblin Shehu
Erblin Shehu

Graduate Student

Our Partners