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University of Nebraska Medical Center

Core Capabilities

The GCHS has four core capabilities under its umbrella. We work with the Emerging Pathogens Lab , Nebraska Biocontainment Unit , the National Quarantine Unit, and deployable teams. Each of these units plays a critical role in public health preparedness and response, ensuring we are equipped to handle emerging infectious diseases and protect our communities. Together, we strive to promote safety and health on a national and global scale!

Learn more about each of these core capabilities below. 

Core Capabilities

Emerging Pathogens Lab

The UNMC Emerging Pathogens Laboratory (EPL) is a CLIA-certified, high-complexity clinical laboratory that bridges novel infectious disease diagnostic development with patient- and community-centered implementation strategies. The EPL collaborates with partners in the community, public health, academia, industry, and government sectors to support distributed and equitable access to high-quality infectious disease testing and infectious disease medical countermeasures clinical research. In response to COVID-19, the EPL developed one of the first SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic assays in the U.S. to support patient care, clinical research, and surveillance programs for public schools, essential workforce members, and tribal community partners.

Nebraska Biocontainment Unit

As the Regional Emerging Special Pathogen Treatment Center (RESPTC) for the Region VII area, the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit (NBU) is prepared to care for patients with highly hazardous communicable infectious diseases and has committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise by providing educational offerings. The education is delivered in multiple formats such as courses, webinars, videos, and zoom conversations with experts on relevant topics.

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National Quarantine Unit

The National Quarantine Unit (NQU) at UNMC/GCHS is the only federally funded resource of its kind; it is specifically designed to provide first-class quarantine and isolation care to individuals exposed to highly hazardous communicable diseases. Its 20 rooms employ individual negative air pressure systems, are single occupancy with en suite bathroom facilities, and contain exercise equipment and Wifi connectivity for patients requiring longer stays.

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Deployable Teams

The GCHS maintains the ability to rapidly staff and deploy teams of technical experts responsive to the needs of response organizations, federal partners, and international non-governmental organizations. We focus on agile, forward-leaning, advanced teams that can meet the subject matter or operational need of hazards. Teams have been employed to a myriad of technical areas including decontamination, PPE, research, emergency management, and special pathogens response.