University of Nebraska Medical Center

Fundamental Training Program in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Female student works with samples in the research lab.

"Basic research has proven over and over to be the lifeline of practical advances in medicine. Without advances, medicine regresses and reverts to witchcraft." – Nobel Laureate Arthur Kornberg

Fundamental research in biochemistry and molecular biology is the very core of biomedical research. Drug discovery and future clinical trials rely on a foundational understanding of life at the atomic, molecular, cellular and physiological levels. New discoveries allow researchers to apply these findings for the targeting of new drugs to a multitude of diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurological and developmental disorders, diabetes and infectious diseases.

The Fundamental Training Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology addresses the need for future scientists trained to provide key insight into the function of the human cell and discoveries that lead to the next generation of drugs and cures for human diseases.

As part of the program, students will be involved in cutting-edge biomedical research and make fundamental discoveries that impact a range of human diseases.

The program is highly competitive and supports only nine graduate students each year — six through an institutional T32 training grant funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences and three through UNMC funding.

Training Program Directors

Professor & Vice Chair for Administration,
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Lab information

Steve Caplan poses for a headshot

Associate Professor & Biochemistry Graduate Committee Chairperson,
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Kate Hyde poses for a headshot

Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Rebecca Oberley-Deegan poses for a headshot

Faculty Mentors

Our faculty mentors have a wide variety of expertise in areas essential to biomedical research. View the department's faculty directory.