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University of Nebraska Medical Center


Watch previous Lunch & Learn workshops for tips and tricks on how to boost your communication skills.

Designing Grant Figures Worthy of Funding with BioRender

Keynote Presenter:  Erica Seelemann

Science Communication Specialist at BioRender

Event Materials:


Biorender 101

Keynote Presenter:  Jeffery Hill

Customer Success Manager at Biorender

Event Materials:


Forging Career Connections through Professional Networks and Community Partnerships

Keynote Presenter:  Dr. Robin Cotter

Biology Faculty, Phoenix College

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Event Materials:


Science Communication 101: Communicating Science to Non-Experts

Keynote Presenter:  Jory Weintraub PhD

Director of Science Engagement, North Carolina State University

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Event Materials:


Strategies for Conflict Resolution and Difficult Conversations

Keynote Presenter:  David Carver, PhD

Ombuds, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Event Materials:


Using Social Media Effectively as a Professional Tool

Keynote Presenter:  Jen Heemstra, PhD

Professor, Washington University

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Event Materials:


Harnessing Your Leadership Style to Build Your Leadership Skills

Keynote Presenter:  Yun Saksena BDSc., MMSc., DMD

Associate Dean of Education

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Event Materials:


Mentoring Up: Navigating Research Mentoring Relationships

Keynote Presenter:  Erin Dolan, PhD

Professor of Biochemistry and Microbiology
Georgia Athletic Association Professor of Innovative Science Education
University of Georgia

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Event Materials:



Bad Ideas about Writing: Misperceptions and Relief

Keynote Presenter: Maggie Christensen, PhD

Writing Program Administrator
Director, Oxbow Writing Project
University of Nebraska-Omaha Department of English

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Event Materials: