University of Nebraska Medical Center

Graduate Studies Leadership Badge Requirements

Students receiving a Leadership Badge will be required to complete the following:

  1. View at least three of the webinars from the Leadership Badge Webinar Library and submit a badge form (3+ hours) to reflect on what your learned and document this activity.
  2. Complete the online leadership style assessment, leadership skills assessment, and the Purdue Leadership Self-Assessment. Submit a badge form (1 hour) to reflect on your leadership skills and style assessments, including your strengths and weaknesses. Upload the leadership development plan as part of this badge form submission.
  3. Complete the Leadership Development Plan and submit a badge form (1 hour) to describe your leadership development plan. Upload the Leadership Development Plan as part of this badge form submission.


AND at least two of the following leadership experiences, each of which represents at least 10 hours of activity. For the badge form associated with each leadership experience, reflect on information from you leadership style and skills assessments and development plan.

4.  Organize and run a community building event (e.g. a service-learning event or student organization event) to bring graduate students together. Submit a badge form to reflect on what you learned and document this experience. Upload documentation of the event, your role, and/or other relevant information about the event.

5.  Serve on the GSA, student senate, as your department's/program’s student representative for a calendar year. Submit badge forms to reflect on what you learned and document this experience. Upload documentation of your role and/or other relevant information.

6.  Participate as a mentor for a calendar year in an official peer mentoring program (e.g. PAW mentor or IGPBS or CON mentoring program). Submit badge forms to reflect on what you learned and document this experience. Upload documentation of your role and/or other relevant information.

7.  Serve as a student leader for one term of service in a local chapter of a professional organization or society. Upload documentation of your role and/or other relevant information.

8.  Play a leadership role in the creation of a new official student organization. Upload documentation of your role and/or other relevant information.

9.  Engage in another leadership role or activity that has been approved by the Executive Associate Dean* Upload documentation of your role and/or other relevant information.

*Contact Interim Executive Associate Dean Karen Gould (kagould@unmc.edu) regarding approval of a leadership role or activity that is not specifically listed in items 4 through 8.