Global Learning
We engage the UNMC community in a collective partnership to provide valuable and high-quality education abroad programming that creates global opportunities for our students.
Annually, more than 100 UNMC students go abroad for global health experiences, ranging from one week to nine months. UNMC students have participated in education abroad on all seven continents, including Antarctica.
Education Abroad by Country
UNMC students studied in more than 10 countries in 2019.

Percent of our students who studied in each country: China; 17.8%; Jamaica, 14.7%; Colombia, 11.7%; Rwanda, 7.4%; Jordan, 6.1%, South Africa, 5.5%; Denmark, 4.9%; Norway, 4.3%; Oman, 4.3%; Mexico, 3.1%; other, 20.2%. N=163
Education Abroad by Type
UNMC students studied abroad in many subjects in 2019, with medical service and health education comprising the largest contingents.

Types of education abroad experiences: medical service, 27.9%; health education, 25.3%; clinical elective, 14.3%; graduate medical education, 13%; practice experience, 6.5%; clinical rotation, 5.2%; research elective; 5.2%; other, 2.6%. N=163
Creating Citizen-Leaders for Nebraska and Beyond
We focus on education-abroad programming that produces intellectually and internationally engaged citizen-leaders who contribute to the well-being and sustainability of Nebraska and the world. Our office serves the students, faculty, and staff of UNMC through a variety of programs and services.
Individual assistance is offered to students who wish to study or volunteer abroad, including:
- Electives and programs sites around the world.
- Travel insurance.
- Financial assistance.
- Program selection.
- Correspondence and applications.
- Pre-departure orientation.
How can Students be Globally Engaged?
- Study, intern, or volunteer abroad.
- Take courses with a global focus.
- Study a foreign language.
- Become involved in a service-learning or volunteer project with local communities representing other cultures or local nonprofits involved in global affairs.
- Attend special lectures and events with an international focus.
- Join a student organization with an international focus.
- Serve as an International Student Ambassador.
- Ask professors about their global engagement.