516 Human Gross Anatomy


Keely Cassidy, PhD 
Kim Latacha, PhD 
Travis McCumber, PhD 
Megan Perry, PhD 
Samantha Simet, PhD  
Matt Vilburn, DC 

Monday - Friday 
9:30am – 11:00am TBL sessions 
11:30am – 3:30pm laboratory dissection 

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The organization of the human body and the way in which anatomical relationships serve as a basis for function are studied in this course.  The medical aspects of the structural and functional organization of the human body are also a focus of attention.  The course will consist of daily team-based learning exercises and supervised laboratory dissection. Students are expected to do the assigned pre-reading and come to the TBL sessions prepared to discuss clinical cases and take the daily quizzes. The major learning experience occurs in the laboratory where teaching consists of small group discussions. 

RESOURCES: Students are strongly urged to bring any appropriate gross anatomy text with them.  The student should be familiar with this text to facilitate understanding of materials already studied. It is also strongly urged to bring notes previously used. Students will have access to previously recorded lectures and study materials from this institution. 

DISSECTION GUIDE:   A copy of the dissection guide used at the University of Nebraska Medical Center will be furnished to the student and is available on computers at every dissection table in an online form with links to images from the Netter Atlas.  

LAB SUPPLIES:   As part of the fee, we supply the dissection guide, dissection tools and rubber gloves.  

EXAMINATIONS: Examinations over the learning objectives for this course will be given as multiple-choice questions in the format of the USMLE.  The examinations over the practical components of the course consist of identification of structure, radiographic anatomy, osteology, and functional implications of material covered in the gross anatomy laboratories. 

Detailed course content and daily schedule are listed in the Registration Packet.
*Offered to students who have previously taken an anatomy course in an MD, DO, PA, PT, or Graduate program.