University of Nebraska Medical Center

Advanced Anatomy Laboratory

Image of the lab.

The Advanced Anatomy Laboratory for research, education, and clinical skills was established in 2008 with the goal of improving patient care by providing healthcare professionals with an environment to review and explore anatomy pertinent to their particular discipline.

These advanced anatomical studies allow healthcare professionals to practice clinical skills on human donors in a relaxed, low-risk setting before interacting with a live patient. Healthcare providers using the laboratory are encouraged to question, explore, and think creatively about how they approach a task.

  • Review relevant anatomy
  • Pursue advanced anatomical study
  • Practice and improve clinical skills
  • Rehearse surgeries
  • Explore developing new medical procedures and instruments
  • Create and evaluate innovative teaching methods

The lab has four surgical stations each equipped with a radiolucent surgical table, a single head Polaris surgical light, suction, 65 psi compressed air port, four 120-volt electrical outlets and one 220-volt electrical outlet.

The 33’x27’ laboratory is located in room 2018 Wittson Hall, and is managed by the Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Please direct lab inquiries to Jesse Boyd at 402-559-6109.

  • Knee Aspiration and injection
  • Lightly Embalmed Cadaver Lab Guide for Teaching Knee Aspiration and Injection
  • Narrative Student tutorial on knee aspirations and injections
  • Student tutorial on knee aspirations and injections
  • Instructor Guide, Preparing the Lightly Embalmed Cadaver for Knee Joint Aspiration


  1. The choice of a constitutive formulation for modeling limb flexion-induced deformations and stresses in the human femoropopliteal arteries of different ages. Desyatova A; MacTaggart J; Poulson W; Deegan P; Lomneth C; Sandip A; Kamenskiy A, Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology [Biomech Model Mechanobiol], ISSN: 1617-7940, 2017 Jun; Vol. 16 (3), pp. 775-785; Publisher: Springer; PMID: 27868162; [PubMed]
  2. Limb flexion-induced axial compression and bending in human femoropopliteal artery segments. Poulson W; Kamenskiy A; Seas A; Deegan P; Lomneth C; MacTaggart J, Journal Of Vascular Surgery [J Vasc Surg], ISSN: 1097-6809, 2017 May 16; Publisher: Elsevier; PMID: 28526560; [PubMed]
  3. Limb flexion-induced twist and associated intramural stresses in the human femoropopliteal artery. Desyatova A; Poulson W; Deegan P; Lomneth C; Seas A; Maleckis K; MacTaggart J; Kamenskiy A, Journal Of The Royal Society, Interface [J R Soc Interface], ISSN: 1742-5662, 2017 Mar; Vol. 14 (128); Publisher: Royal Society; PMID: 28330991; [PubMed]
  4. An Anatomic Investigation of the Ober Test. Willett GM; Keim SA; Shostrom VK; Lomneth CS, The American Journal Of Sports Medicine [Am J Sports Med], ISSN: 1552-3365, 2016 Mar; Vol. 44 (3), pp. 696-701; Publisher: Sage Publications; PMID: 26755689; [PubMed]
  5. Biaxial mechanical properties of the human thoracic and abdominal aorta, common carotid, subclavian, renal and common iliac arteries.  Kamenskiy AV; Dzenis YA; Kazmi SA; Pemberton MA; Pipinos II; Phillips NY; Herber K; Woodford T; Bowen RE; Lomneth CS; MacTaggart JN, Biomechanics And Modeling In Mechanobiology [Biomech Model Mechanobiol], ISSN: 1617-7940, 2014 Nov; Vol. 13 (6), pp. 1341-59; Publisher: Springer; PMID: 24710603; [PubMed]
  6. Three-dimensional bending, torsion and axial compression of the femoropopliteal artery during limb flexion.  MacTaggart JN; Phillips NY; Lomneth CS; Pipinos II; Bowen R; Baxter BT; Johanning J; Longo GM; Desyatova AS; Moulton MJ; Dzenis YA; Kamenskiy AV, Journal Of Biomechanics [J Biomech], ISSN: 1873-2380, 2014 Jul 18; Vol. 47 (10), pp. 2249-56; Publisher: Elsevier Science; PMID: 24856888; [PubMed]
  7. Enhancement of anatomical learning and developing clinical competence of first-year medical and allied health profession students.  Keim Janssen SA; VanderMeulen SP; Shostrom VK; Lomneth CS, Anatomical Sciences Education [Anat Sci Educ], ISSN: 1935-9780, 2014 May-Jun; Vol. 7 (3), pp. 181-90; Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc; PMID: 24002924; [PubMed]
  8. Passive biaxial mechanical properties and in vivo axial pre-stretch of the diseased human   Kamenskiy AV; Pipinos II; Dzenis YA; Lomneth CS; Kazmi SA; Phillips NY; MacTaggart JN, Acta Biomaterialia [Acta Biomater], ISSN: 1878-7568, 2014 Mar; Vol. 10 (3), pp. 1301-13; Publisher: Elsevier; PMID: 24370640; [PubMed]
  9. Assessment of a human cadaver model for training emergency medicine residents in the ultrasound diagnosis of pneumothorax. Adhikari S; Zeger W; Wadman M; Walker R; Lomneth C, Biomed Research International [Biomed Res Int], ISSN: 2314-6141, 2014; Vol. 2014, pp. 724050; Publisher: Hindawi Pub. Co; PMID: 24790999; [PubMed]