Curriculum and Training Opportunities
The goal of Military Unique Curriculum is to prepare the USAF residents for the myriad of challenges and leadership roles they will participate in as USAF medical officers. The curriculum is conducted in both lecture and workshop format and the course is held all afternoon, every third Thursday. The topics that are covered during this time include but are not limited to:
- Introduction to PME (Professional Military Education)
- PRP, Flying Status
- Base/Hospital/AF Command Structure; Customs & Courtesies
- Assignments and Career Planning
- Family Advocacy & Special Needs Programs
- Disaster Preparedness/Contingency Response
- Precepting PAs, NPs, and others
- Flight Medicine/Air Evacuation System
- Deployment Issues
- USAF Fitness Program
- Pay and Bonuses
- Occupational Exams, MEBs, Profiles
- Overseas Clearance
- Officer and Enlisted Performance Reports
- Credentials
- Relocating/Moving
- Coding/DoD medical records requirements
- Continuing Medical Education
- Hospital Committees & Clinic Responsibilities
- Substance Abuse Program
In addition to the above curriculum, residents are encouraged to complete the appropriate level of Professional Military Education (Squadron Officer School , Air Command and Staff College , or Air War College ). C4 Combat Casualty Care Course is required for all military residents. Senior residents who have already completed C4 while at USUHS or during prior service are not required to repeat the course.
Rotation Example
- 1 month Orientation/Occupational Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)
- 3 months Inpatient Family Medicine Service at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)
- 1 month Internal Medicine (Inpatient/Outpatient) at the Veteran's Affairs Medical Center
- 2 months Surgery (Inpatient/Outpatient)
- 2 months Pediatrics(1 month inpatient/1 month outpatient): one at Children's Hospital, one at Ehrling Bergquist Clinic
- 2 months Obstetrics at UNMC
- 1 month Emergency Medicine
- 1 month Family Practice (Inpatient) at UNMC
- 1 month Advanced Pediatrics at Ehrling Bergquist Clinic
- 1 month Pediatrics Elective
- 1 month Gynecology at EBC
- 1 month Cardiology
- 1 month of Diabetes/Endocrinology/Metabolism at UNMC
- 1 month of Rheumatology
- 2 weeks of Nephrology
- 1 month ICU/Trauma Surgery
- 1 month Orthopedics/Sports Medicine/Cast Clinic at EBC
- 2 months Rural Rotation
- 2 weeks of Otolaryngology (ENT)
- 2 weeks of Ophthalmology
- 2 weeks of Urology
- 2 weeks of Dermatology
- 1 month Geriatrics
- 1 month Family Medicine (Behavioral)
- 1 month Clinical Chief Resident
- 1 month Practice Management at EBC (Primary Care Element)
- 1 month of Allergy/Immunology
- 1 month inpatient night float
- 5 months Elective
FMR Continuity Clinic:
FMR continuity clinic schedules are rotation dependent. Typically a PGY-I will have 1-2 half-days per week with initially 3-4 patients per half-day, increased to 6-8 patients per half-day in second half of year. PGY-II and –III’s are in clinic 2-4 half-days per week with 8-12 patients per half-day. During resident clinics, each resident will have dedicated/blocked time for precepting with staff. In addition, EBC employs unique and extraordinarily effective methods of regular one-on-one precepting during which a staff follows a resident during his/her clinic session, providing the opportunity for direct observation, feedback and teaching. In addition, we employ the reverse process whereby residents in their PG-2 year follow a senior staff during their clinic to observe and enhance their clinic management skills.
FMR Osteopathic Manipulation (OMT) Clinic:
FMR operates an OMT clinic, precepted by our DO and OMT credentialed MD staff for DO residents and medical students. Here they hone and advance their skills in OMT including HVLA with dedicated OMT tables. In addition, Offutt’s FMR is unique in that we offer a dedicated curriculum to train allopathic physicians in the basic skills of OMT so that upon graduation, MD residents can be credentialed in osteopathic manipulation.
A wide breadth of training opportunities await at the combined Offutt-UNMC Family Medicine Residency. Faculty provide an expansive set of procedural opportunities including upper and lower endoscopy, sports medicine procedures including prolotherapy and musculoskeletal ultrasound, cesarean section and operative obstetrics. This is in addition to more typical Family Medicine procedures including exercise treadmill testing, spirometry, vasectomy, osteopathic manipulation therapy, skin procedures, and orthopedic casting and joint injections. Our faculty have experience both with contingency medicine and humanitarian medicine, as well as fellowship training in Sports Medicine, Obstetrics, and Faculty Development.
Residents in our combined Offutt-UNMC program benefit from a connection to a large tertiary care medical center, with smaller, community-sized hospitals and clinics. At UNMC, our residents utilize the resources of a major medical center including subspecialty care and exposure, and an extensive library. Their responsibilities at Offutt AFB and surrounding hospitals include managing their patient empanelment at nursing homes, inpatient, outpatient, on labor and delivery, on the sideline, and even on home visits. They benefit from outstanding nursing support to help our residents deliver care to their patients.
The capstone of the three year residency takes place with the two month rural medicine experience. During this rotation, our third year residents apply all of the tools that they have learned during their residency by delivering care in an underserved environment. During this experience, our residents face challenges of limited resources and remote geography and provide broad, full-scope Family Medicine care. Few other experiences better encapsulate what it means to be a Family Medicine physician than the "rural" rotation.

Air Force Training Track
Train to meet the needs of the United States Air Force