Sheritta A. Strong, MD, MBA, DFAPA
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Campus Engagement
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry
College of Medicine

Top 5 CliftonStrengths
- Harmony
- Consistency
- Connectedness
- Woo
- Competition
Myers-Briggs Type: ESFJ
Enneagram: 3
HBDI: Green & Red
Thomas Kilman (TKI): Competing, Accommodating
Hogan: available upon request
Multiple Intelligences: Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, and Naturalist
About Dr. Strong
As an academic psychiatrist since 2008, Sheritta A. Strong, MD, MBA is an educator and supporter of emotional well-being that translates well to her leadership roles at UNMC. Focusing on inclusive integrity, motivated awareness, and cultural humility, Dr. Strong believes that coaching can assist in areas where there is a desire to grow and learn. The creation of confidential, safe spaces for persons from all backgrounds can help a person's best self to emerge.
Dr. Strong's coaching philosophy stems from her personal mission to use her strengths and talents to impact others by empowering individuals to be authentic and embrace themselves fully. Dr. Strong’s coaching process is individualistic with the hope of developing a mutual understanding of ways to develop and strengthen your skills. Dr. Strong is also certified in the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) which is a cross-culturally valid assessment for building cultural competence.
What is a valuable piece of advice Dr. Strong has received from a coach or mentor?
"My executive coach has helped me to evaluate how I spend my time and how to efficiently allocate it when persons at varying levels of the organization were demanding time. He helped me to evaluate the negotiable and non-negotiables related to the work that I do. Having a coach has helped to process very nuanced situations that are not as obvious as they seem to be on the surface."