University of Nebraska Medical Center

Work Smart Productivity Series

brain illustration

Work smarter, not harder. This series is intended to help you get things done.

Productivity often feels unattainable. But incremental changes in your working habits can add up to big improvements over time. And in a professional environment, these changes often require collaboration, time management, communication and careful planning.

The focus of each WorkSmart session is to help you create habits to enhance productivity. From effective meeting structures to an organized inbox, you’ll discover useful tips and techniques for getting things done by working smarter, not harder.

Participants may register for any session independently.

Session Descriptions & Registration

Stop Light Strategy to Survive Your Day, November 21, 2024

Do you ever find yourself feeling frantic about the day ahead? Do unforeseen circumstances throw off your flow, and chip away at your wellbeing? You're not alone!
Some days, to THRIVE is merely to SURVIVE. Dr. Jayme Dowdall, clinician educator, has systematized the Stoplight Strategy to help her and her team stay afloat (and yes, thrive!) on days that would otherwise be completely unhinged.
Join this session to learn the secret sauce!

Thursday, November 21, 2024
3:30-4:30 PM
MSC 2018

Led by campus expert: 

Jayme Dowdall, MD


Managing Your Calendar, December 12, 2024

Take the struggle out of the juggle! Don't let your own calendar slow you down or keep you from your important, invigorating work. Attend this session to learn how to make the most of your time and energy when it comes to your Outlook calendar.

Thursday, December 12, 2024
3:30-4:30 PM

Led by campus expert: 

Mike Kozak, MEd
IT Academic Technologies


Taming Your Email, January 23, 2025

Your inbox is a perpetual disaster.

It's not hopeless!

Attend this session to unlock strategies and little-known hacks for inner-peace with your inbox.

Thursday, January 23, 2025
3:30-4:30 PM


Educator's Beginner's Guide to AI, January 30, 2025
AI as an Educator's Creative Companion: A Beginner's Guide
This beginner-friendly session designed specifically for educators will demystify the use of AI tools like ChatGPT, showcasing how they can transform how you prepare and deliver your courses – as well as assist with other tasks in the faculty workflow.
Discover how to harness these tools to enhance learning experiences, improve efficiency, and spark creativity.
You'll leave with practical knowledge, inspiring examples, and effective techniques to confidently integrate AI into your teaching toolkit. Embrace this opportunity to step into the future of education – where innovation meets empowerment.

Thursday, January 30, 2025
3:30-4:30 PM

Led by visiting expert: 

Brett Christie, PhD
Vice President, Educational Innovation & Inclusivity, Alchemy
Dr. Christie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from his 20+ years in the California State University system, including 15+ years teaching in educational technology.


Effective Delegation, February 27, 2025
Are you drowning in the never-ending stream of patient charts, email replies, and administrative tasks?
You're juggling a lot and--sometimes--a solution is to bring someone else into the work with you. Attend this session to identify opportunities for delegation, learn practical strategies for delegating effectively, and overcome common limiting beliefs that hinder delegation.

Thursday, February 27, 2025
3:30-4:30 PM

Led by visiting expert: 

Ryan Stegink, MD
Pediatrician and host of The Wellbeing in Medicine Podcast.
