University of Nebraska Medical Center

Reports & Collections

In line with our mission, Faculty Development produces a variety of resources and content to advance the current and future needs of our faculty.

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THRIVE: Success strategies for the modern-day faculty member

Thrive is a collection of thought-provoking, one- to two-page briefs. Thrive contains over 50 ideas for fast, focused faculty development that can be used in several key ways:

  • To help individuals learn on the fly, in a condensed, need-to-know format.
  • To help smaller learning communities or peer mentoring groups have a guide of ready content.
  • To help leaders embed faculty development in regular meetings for strategic unit learning.
  • To help faculty and leaders identify expertise across the campus

Download Thrive

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Faculty Search Committee Guidebook: Recruiting Top Talent for the Future

The Faculty Search Committee Guidebook was created to offer search committees a general framework for conducting more consistent, equitable, and organized faculty searches.

Each section contains steps to follow within the process and cites additional resources. The book has an accompanying digital toolkit that contains appendix resources for search committee members to expand their learning. These documents can be used in several ways:

  • To help provide a launching point for search committees training.
  • To help leaders embed better hiring practices within their department or college.
  • To help units, departments, and colleges build upon the guide’s principles to enhance its utilization and effectiveness.

Download the Guidebook & Toolkit

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Faculty Retirement Guide: Mapping The Course for Your Best Future

The Faculty Retirement Guidebook was developed with broad input from a diverse range of emeritus faculty, retirees, and leaders.

Divided into four sections, this guide contains worksheets, checklists, and advice to encourage early thinking, dreaming, and planning.

Download the Retirement Guide (UNMC Log-in required)