University of Nebraska Medical Center

About Us

The Nebraska Center for Molecular Target Discovery and Development at UNMC's Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases is an NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence.

The objectives of the NIGMS COBRE initiative are to strengthen an institution’s biomedical research infrastructure through the establishment of a thematic multidisciplinary center and to enhance the ability of investigators to compete independently for extramural peer-reviewed support at the federal level.

Nebraska Center for Molecular Target Discovery and Development
Principal Investigator: Robert E. Lewis, PhD
Supporting Award: NIH/NIGMS P20 GM 121316
Project Period: 3/16/2018 – 6/30/2028

Contact Us

Edward and Lida Robinson Professor of Cancer Research, UNMC Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases
Co-Leader, Targets, Modulators, and Delivery Program, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center
Director, Nebraska Center for Molecular Target Discovery and Development
Research Focus: Cell growth and metabolism


Laboratory of Robert Lewis, PhD

Robert Lewis
Kelly Jordan

Center Coordinator
