University of Nebraska Medical Center

Visiting Student Elective

We are accepting visiting students for our emergency medicine clerkships. Applications can be submitted through VSLO.  All applicants from medical students in the United States are welcome. Unfortunately, the University of Nebraska College of Medicine does not accept applications for electives from students attending international medical schools and non-LCME accredited institutions.

Students interested in pursuing emergency medicine as a career are strongly encouraged to arrange a rotation in the months of May through November so that your experience may be used in support of your ERAS application. While here, we suggest you schedule a meeting with an emergency medicine faculty member to discuss your chosen specialty and request a standard letter of evaluation.

University of Nebraska Medical Center emergency medicine electives are visible on the VSLO catalogue beginning Dec. 1 and we will be accepting applications for rotations on Jan. 1.  Please see the VLSO catalog for rotation dates and application requirements. 

Visiting students will rotate at Nebraska Medicine, which is a large community and academic emergency department and Level 1 trauma center. Students will evaluate and manage patients under direct supervision of an attending physician. Additional exposure to specialized areas of emergency medicine are included with experiences with hyperbaric medicine and toxicology/poison center. Optional exposure to emergency medical services are available as well. Students will attend dedicated didactics and educational experiences which include simulation, splint and laceration labs.  Final rotation grades are compiled from performance on shifts, student presentations and the NBME exam in emergency medicine. 

For more information on our visiting student electives, contact Mary Monaghan, clerkship coordinator; Amy Cutright, MD, clerkship director; or Lisa Meinke, MD, assistant clerkship director. For inquiries regarding the VSLO application process or the status of your application, contact the Student Affairs Office.