Medical Education, Technology and Innovation Fellowship
Since its inception in 2007, the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, along with its associated education programs, has been renowned for attracting and producing quality trainees; exceeding national accreditation standards; collaborating with university, regional and global partners; and innovating curricula for residents and students in ways unparalleled throughout the region. As the next phase in the upward trajectory of UNMC and its Department of Emergency Medicine becomes apparent, so does the need to accelerate investment in our most valuable asset: a pipeline of talented, educated, motivated and creative faculty educators and innovators.
The mission of our Medical Education, Technology and Innovation Fellowship is to provide a unique, structured training experience that prepares motivated clinician-educators to integrate sound learning principles with digital competency in order to lead, innovate, and transform the clinical learning environment.

TJ Welniak, MD, Fellowship Program Director
Any physician can teach. Not all have the inherent ability or skills to consistently affect learning. We will empower you with the philosophy, approach, methods, experience, and mentorship necessary for you to grow as an effective facilitator of learning.
The ideal candidate for our fellowship is a graduate of a U.S. emergency medicine residency who will be board-certified or board eligible at time of hire, and have an interest in developing as a teacher, innovator, administrator, and leader in academic medicine. Additional consideration will be given to individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or those who have demonstrated genuine, active participation in work related to addressing health care disparities and promoting belonging and inclusion in health care.
The two-year fellowship is a full-time, post-graduate training experience. Fellows will serve as part-time clinical faculty in the Department of Emergency Medicine, pursue a master’s degree in health professions teaching and technology through UNMC, and learn through work as part of dedicated monthly and longitudinal experiences across the spectrum of academic medicine.
Funding and salary otherwise are supported through clinical relative value units generated through the fellow working clinical shifts in the two emergency medicine department sites of our primary clinical partner (Nebraska Medicine and Bellevue Medical Center), faculty continuing medical education, and support from both UNMC and the UNMC emergency department leadership. Fellows will be eligible for benefits typical to full-time UNMC faculty, including insurance, retirement and CME. Income will be commensurate with clinical shifts worked (expect to be scheduled no more than a 0.5 FTE, with potential opportunities to moonlight).