University of Nebraska Medical Center

Contact the uBEATS Team

The uBEATS team of experts is here to help. 

Feel free to email uBEATS or call 402-559-8251 if you have any questions. Our Curriculum Specialist can also help with ways to integrate uBEATS into your course or with teaching ideas.

Be sure to connect with uBEATS on Twitter and Instagram.

Meet the uBEATS Team

Deanna Ingram, MA

uBEATS Curriculum & Education Specialist

Deanna Ingram poses for a headshot
Zuzi Greiner, MSEd

uBEATS Instructional Technologist

Zuzi Greiner poses for a headshot

Meet the Leadership Behind uBEATS

UNMC Leadership

H. Dele Davies, MD
Interim Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Peggy Moore

Director & Instructional Designer, E-Learning
Assistant Professor, College of Allied Health Professions

Heidi Kaschke

Director, High School Alliance

Kendra K. Schmid, PhD

Interim Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs
Interim Dean, Graduate Studies
Professor, Department of Biostatistics

UNO Leadership

Neal Grandgenett, PhD
Associate Dean,
College of Education, Health & Human Sciences

Adam Rosen, PhD

Associate Professor,
School of Health & Kinesiology

Katie Shirazi, PhD

College of Arts & Sciences