University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: Suturing

Tying it Down: A Medical Student’s Guide to Surgical Knot Tying

In this e-module, you will learn how to perform the three most commonly used knot tying techniques – the instrument tie, the two-hand tie, and the one-hand tie. The module demonstrates all techniques for tying with both right and left hands.

Sep 19, 2023

Stitching It Up: A Medical Student’s Guide to Suturing

In this e-module, you will learn how to complete the three most commonly used suturing techniques – the simple interrupted, buried interrupted, and running subcuticular stitches as well as briefly review different types of suture materials and surgical instruments.

Apr 6, 2023

Suturing 101

This module is a step-by-step guide to suturing, a fundamental skill of surgery. The instruction provided in this module enhances students’ ability to learn the correct technique accurately and independently.

Apr 4, 2018