University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: stress

Critical Incident Stress Response in Healthcare: Part 1

Healthcare institutions are high-risk organizations for critical incidents; repeatedly caring for patients within these circumstances can significantly impact the professional’s physical, emotional, cognitive, and/or spiritual wellbeing. This module will guide you through the concept of critical incidents and the associated stress responses, including their potential effects. It also introduces the critical incident stress response within […]

Sep 1, 2024

Screenshot of critical incident response in healthcare module

Critical Incident Stress Response in Healthcare: Part 2

Healthcare institutions are high-risk organizations for critical incidents; repeatedly caring for patients within these circumstances can significantly impact the professional’s physical, emotional, cognitive, and/or spiritual wellbeing. This module equips you with essential stress management and stress resistance strategies, focusing on practical techniques to identify, reduce, and cope with stress.

Sep 1, 2024

Module Screenshot
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