University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: Prevention

Risk Assessment and Deployment: Section One

This module provides valuable information on how high-consequence infectious diseases impact risk assessment and offers recommendations for preventing and managing infections in public health settings, with a particular focus on the deployment of public health workers.

Sep 15, 2023

Team Dynamics and Creating a Safe Working Environment

This module describes team-based challenges, stressors, and risk points for working in high-risk environments. This module also identifies the use of teamwork tools designed to improve team performance and communication skills.

Sep 15, 2023

Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) and Pressure Injury (PI) Prevention

This module provides a brief overview of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) and the risk for pressure injury (PI) development. This module reviews risk factors for PI development and provides current evidence-based practice recommendations for preventing PIs in this population.

Apr 9, 2021

Malaria: An Overview in School Age Children

This e-module will explain the symptoms, treatment options, complications, social implications, and preventative treatment of malaria in children ages 6-12 years old. This module was created through a collaboration between students at the University of Gitwe and the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Sep 11, 2017

Module Screenshot
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