University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: Physical Therapy

Biomechanics: Forces

This module will discuss the types and characteristics of force in human movement.

Jul 20, 2022

Biomechanics: Kinematics

This module will discuss the role of kinematics in human movement.

Jul 20, 2022

Adapted Healthcare Delivery for Patients with Hearing Impairments

This interactive module identifies barriers physical therapists are facing in service delivery for patients with hearing impairments and introduces ADA as well as Universal Design Principles for students on how to effectively involve patients with hearing impairments in their plan of care. It also presents students with recommendations on how to adapt physical therapy services […]

Apr 11, 2022

Stability During Mobility: How to Select a Safe Patient Transfer 

This module serves as an introduction to the different types of patient transfers that are used by health care professions, such as nursing, physical/occupational therapy, and radiography.  By comparing transfer types, students can practice professional reasoning by selecting the safest transfer technique for patient scenarios.  

Apr 11, 2022

Rancho Los Amigos Cognitive Scale

The Rancho Los Amigos (RLA) Cognitive Scale is a tool designed to aid clinicians in tracking recovery before and during the recovery and rehabilitation process. As a member of an interdisciplinary team, our role as physical therapists in understanding how patients are recovering from an injury to the brain is crucial. Recognizing how an individual is progressing […]

Apr 11, 2022

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