Tag: physical exam
Physical Exam
This e-module focuses on how to inspect the thorax and extremities, palpation of the thorax and lung fields, percussion of the thorax and lung fields, and auscultation of the lung fields to include all lobes of the lungs.
Feb 7, 2022

Physical Examination of the Shoulder
This learning module teaches how to perform a focused physical exam for shoulder pain as well as the component parts of a general musculoskeletal exam. You will also review and identify the relevant gross anatomy for an examination of the shoulder and learn to make diagnoses based on physical exam findings.
Mar 17, 2021

Green Sheet
Green sheet is a full head to toe physical exam. These clinical skills are mastered prior to going out on clinical rotations. The module is visual and auditory guide to aid students in their learning of the green sheet. It provides an interactive way to learn each component of the physical exam that includes how […]
Apr 30, 2020