Tag: Oncology
Linear Accelerators: How do they work?
This module is intended to teach the learner how a linear accelerator (LINAC) functions by breaking down the various components, how they work, and how they’re connected. The learner will also have an opportunity to virtually “build your own LINAC” to see how everything is connected.
Apr 11, 2022

This module is an overview of how to perform a CT simulation of the breast for radiation therapy planning.
Nov 22, 2019

Pelvis and Extremity CT Simulation
This module is an overview of how to perform a CT simulation of the pelvis and lower extremity for radiation therapy planning.
Nov 22, 2019

Brain, Neck, and Chest CT Simulation
This module is an overview of how to perform a CT simulation for brain, neck, and chest for radiation therapy planning.
Nov 22, 2019

Abdomen and Spine CT Simulation
This module is an overview of how to perform an abdominal, T & L spine CT simulation for radiation therapy planning.
Nov 22, 2019