Tag: insurance
Physician Finance: Retirement – Asset Allocation
You have taken a big step, you have opted to put part of your paycheck into your employer’s 401k, or you have opened up your own Roth IRA. There is now money in the account, but now what? In this module, we will go over some of the basics of investing, so you can use […]
Oct 24, 2024

Physician Finance: Life Insurance
Healthcare professionals must recognize, perhaps more than most, that we will all die someday. While we all hope to live long and healthy lives, we know that accidents, cancer, and other illnesses can strike at any age. We must consider what happens to those we leave behind. We must be especially mindful of those relying […]
Oct 24, 2024

Physician Finance: Disability Insurance
What if something prevents you from working as a doctor? The financial investment you’ve made, the years spent training, all the energy you have invested to get to this point could all be wiped away by an unpredictable illness or event that leaves you disabled. Through disability insurance, you can protect the investment you have […]
Jan 31, 2024