University of Nebraska Medical Center

Tag: infection control

EMS Mortuary Services: Regional Coordination of Infectious Disease Response

This module describes the key elements of a regional coordination plan for infectious disease response. It covers the regional emergency coordinator’s roles and how the Concept of Operations plans for each state interface with the Regional Coordinator Plan.

Feb 12, 2021

EMS Mortuary Services: Cleaning and Disinfection

This module describes how to perform a risk assessment, how to determine appropriate personal protective equipment, and appropriate cleaning and disinfection activities in healthcare settings associated with highly infectious diseases

Oct 14, 2020

EMS Mortuary Services: Containment of Patient Remains with Ebola or Other Special Pathogens

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to list the equipment required to properly prepare the remains of a patient who died from Ebola Virus Disease or other special pathogens that require containment and identify administrative and engineering controls to maintain safety during the process of packaging the remains.

Oct 14, 2020

EMS Mortuary Services: Packaging & Transport of Human Remains

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to describe the federal agencies involved in shipping and/or transport of highly infectious packaged remains. This module describes applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines in the shipping and/or transport of highly infectious packaged remains.

Oct 14, 2020

EMS Mortuary Services: Waste Streams

By the end of this module, the learner will be able to understand how to handle solid vs. liquid waste, identify best-practices for waste segregation, and understand how to have waste integration with the facility you are working with.

Oct 14, 2020

EMS Mortuary Services: Patient Isolation Units

This module describes the common components of a Patient Isolation Unit (PIU) and special considerations for their use and preparations before use of the PIU to increase response time when clinical conditions change. It also details the process of loading and unloading a patient with considerations for patient safety and comfort.

Oct 14, 2020