Tag: cancer
Brain Lesions: Malignant vs. Benign
Can talking on the phone really give you a brain tumor? Check out this module to learn more about the true risk factors, clinical symptoms, and treatment for this pathology. You can also review a case study with full brain CT and MRI scans. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017

Adenocarcinoma of the Gallbladder: A Biliary Tract Pathology Case Study
Review this module to explore the clinical symptoms, laboratory values and imaging findings of gallbladder adenocarcinoma. Imaging findings include ultrasound and interactive CT and MRI scans. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 5, 2017

Hepatoblastoma: Liver Pathology Case Study
Learn more about the most common form of liver cancer in children by reviewing a case study, laboratory values and imaging findings, including an interactive CT scan and Ultrasound. Average time to complete module: 15 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jun 30, 2017

Cholangiocarcinoma: A Biliary Tract Pathology Case Study
This case study-based module reviews the risks factors, symptoms, lab values, imaging findings, and prognosis of this malignant biliary tumor. (Updated Nov. 2023)
May 12, 2017