University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Treatment

Brain, Neck, and Chest CT Simulation

This module is an overview of how to perform a CT simulation for brain, neck, and chest for radiation therapy planning.

Nov 22, 2019

Abdomen and Spine CT Simulation

This module is an overview of how to perform an abdominal, T & L spine CT simulation for radiation therapy planning.

Nov 22, 2019

Caring for the Patient Who Is Using Medical Marijuana: Indications, Side Effects, and Safety Considerations

This module will provide basic information for health care providers caring for patients who may be using medical marijuana. This module will provide introductory, unbiased information on medical marijuana including: basic cannabis pharmacology, indications for use, side effects, and evidence-based safety considerations when caring for patients using cannabis products. 

Apr 12, 2019

Thyroid Pharmacology

This e-module on thyroid pharmacology includes thyroid physiology, drugs used to treat both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, and various assessment tools.

Apr 11, 2019

Caring for the Patient Who is Using Medical Marijuana: Legal Issues and Basic Pharmacology

This module will provide basic information for health care providers caring for patients who may be using medical marijuana. This module will provide introductory, unbiased information on medical marijuana including: laws and regulations, medical marijuana programs, and basic cannabis pharmacology. 

Apr 11, 2019

Drug Dosing Calculations: an interactive approach to maintenance and loading dose calculations

This module will walk the learner through the basics of Bioavailability, Volume of Distribution, Clearance, and Half-Life before diving into loading and maintenance dose calculations.  

Apr 11, 2019