HKFHazekkjd bhOv
University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Patient Assessment

Manual Muscle Training Lower Quarter: Knee and Ankle

This module describes the MMT process for knee and ankle movements. Learners practice assigning and documenting the correct MMT grade given results from patient performance.

Oct 28, 2020

Manual Muscle Training Lower Quarter: Hip

This module describes the MMT process for hip movements, including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation and external rotation. Learners practice assigning and documenting the correct MMT grade given results from patient performance.

Oct 28, 2020

Manual Muscle Training Upper Quarter: Elbow, Forearm, and Wrist

This module describes the MMT process for elbow, forearm, and wrist movements. Learners practice assigning and documenting the correct MMT grade given results from patient performance.

Oct 22, 2020

Manual Muscle Training Upper Quarter: Shoulder

This module describes the MMT process for shoulder movements, including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal rotation and external rotation. Learners practice assigning and documenting the correct MMT grade given results from  patient performance.

Oct 22, 2020

Interpreting Panoramic Images

This e-module is designed to introduce dental and dental hygiene students to anatomic landmarks on a panoramic radiograph. Learners are given examples of normal anatomy as well as common artifacts. By the end of the e-module, the learner should be able to recognize and interpret a panoramic image for normal anatomy.

Oct 14, 2020

Gait Training Fundamentals

This module describes various weight bearing restrictions, gait patterns, and physical assistance levels during gait training.

Sep 2, 2020