Category: Patient Assessment
Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) and Pressure Injury (PI) Prevention
This module provides a brief overview of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) and the risk for pressure injury (PI) development. This module reviews risk factors for PI development and provides current evidence-based practice recommendations for preventing PIs in this population.
Apr 9, 2021

Neonatal Resuscitation
With this e-module, the learner will review the steps of neonatal resuscitation to provide basic knowledge or a refresher to prepare for attending deliveries.
Apr 8, 2021

Differential Diagnosis: Low Back Pain vs. Hip Pain
This hip vs. low back differential diagnosis module begins by creating a hypothesis list based on information from the patient’s intake form. The hypothesis list is then revised twice more as new information from the exam is collected. Feedback from an expert clinician is provided to allow the learner to self-evaluate differences in clinical reasoning.
Mar 24, 2021

Physical Examination of the Shoulder
This learning module teaches how to perform a focused physical exam for shoulder pain as well as the component parts of a general musculoskeletal exam. You will also review and identify the relevant gross anatomy for an examination of the shoulder and learn to make diagnoses based on physical exam findings.
Mar 17, 2021

Manual Muscle Training: Trunk
This module describes the MMT process for trunk curl, trunk extension, lower abdominals, and side bridge. Learners practice assigning and documenting the correct MMT grade given results from a patient’s performance.
Nov 6, 2020

Manual Muscle Training Lower Quarter: Knee and Ankle
This module describes the MMT process for knee and ankle movements. Learners practice assigning and documenting the correct MMT grade given results from patient performance.
Oct 28, 2020