University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Pathology

Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: A Neck Pathology Case Study

Where does this cancer originate and at what age does it typically present? If you do not know, use this e-Module to explore this malignancy. Average time to complete module: 15 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)

Jul 21, 2017

Parathyroid Adenoma: A Neck Pathology Case Study

“Bones, stones, groans and psychiatric moans” can be associated with this pathology; learn more with this e-Module. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)

Jul 21, 2017

Papillary Thyroid Cancer: A Head & Neck Pathology Case

This e-Module begins with a quiz on thyroid anatomy and then delves into a case study on the most common type of thyroid malignancy, including nuclear medicine and ultrasound imaging. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)

Jul 21, 2017

Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum: A Neurologic Pathology Case Study

How do the “sunburst sign” and teardrop shaped ventricles help diagnose this congenital anomaly? Complete this module to learn this and more. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)

Jul 21, 2017

Brain Lesions: Malignant vs. Benign

Can talking on the phone really give you a brain tumor? Check out this module to learn more about the true risk factors, clinical symptoms, and treatment for this pathology. You can also review a case study with full brain CT and MRI scans. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)

Jul 21, 2017

Hydranencephaly: A Neurologic Pathology Case Study

If you like brain stuff, this module will allow you to learn about a rare disorder in which the brain’s cerebral hemispheres are absent to varying degrees. Average time to complete module: 15 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)

Jul 21, 2017