University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Pathology

Malaria: An Overview in School Age Children

This e-module will explain the symptoms, treatment options, complications, social implications, and preventative treatment of malaria in children ages 6-12 years old. This module was created through a collaboration between students at the University of Gitwe and the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Sep 11, 2017


This e-module provides the learner an overview of Nematodes, including the epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. This module was created through a collaboration between students at the University of Gitwe and the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Sep 11, 2017

Horseshoe Kidney: A Urinary System Pathology Case Study

You will get a kick out of this case study featuring a unique kidney pathology!  Ultrasound, CT and MR images included. Average time to complete module: 15 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)

Jul 21, 2017

Page Kidney: A Urinary System Pathology Case Study

If you play contact sports, you will want to review this rare type of kidney pathology demonstrated though a case report and cross sectional imaging. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)

Jul 21, 2017

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Urinary System Pathology Case Study

A kidney with this disease can weigh 20 times more than a normal kidney. Learn more about the presentation of this pathology on ultrasound and CT images in this module. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)

Jul 21, 2017

Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Urinary System Pathology Case Study

The diagnosis of this malignancy is established both clinically and radiographically in most patients. Check out this module to see a case study with a full CT scan and ultrasound images. Average time to complete module: 15 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)

Jul 21, 2017