University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Education, Research, Wellness

High Dose Rate Brachytherapy Emergency Training

In brachytherapy, there is a risk that the high dose rate radioactive source can get stuck inside the patient during treatment. This module will allow learners to work through a realistic simulation of a stuck source emergency situation in a safe environment and receive real-time feedback on their decision-making process. The goal is that this […]

Apr 11, 2022

Writing Specific Aims

The Specific Aims page connects numerous proposal elements including significance, hypothesis, approaches, and outcomes/impact in a convincing and abbreviated manner. This module identifies the components of a Specific Aims page and their purpose. It guides the creation of a Specific Aims statement and facilitates analysis of effective and ineffective elements in an Aims page. The […]

Apr 11, 2022

Physician Finance: Budgeting

As you transition from medical school to residency, you will encounter significant changes. One of which will be your first REAL paycheck! But how should you spend that income? What should you prioritize? How will you be prepared for emergencies or achieve long-term goals of buying a home or retiring on the beach?

Apr 4, 2022

Optimize Your Learning Experience

Optimize your Learning Experience is one in a series of modules on good student practices. This module will define optimization of learning experience and stress its importance. It will also teach students how to optimize their learning.

Feb 14, 2022

Spaced Practice

Spaced practice is one in a series of modules on good student practices. This module will teach students the concepts and methods of spaced practice and retrieval practice as well as the difference between cramming and spaced practice. It will also help students apply the concepts and benefits of spaced practice.

Feb 14, 2022

Preparing for Class

Preparing for Class is one in a series of modules on good student practices. This module will teach students how to utilize the course syllabus and help students be prepared to discuss class topics. This module will help students develop a “ready to learn” mindset and environment.

Feb 14, 2022