Category: Diagnostics
Approaching a Non-Contrast Head CT Scan: Excluding Intracranial Hemorrhage & Identify Acute Ischemic Stroke
The purpose of this e-module is to educate graduate health profession students, as well as healthcare providers, on how to approach a non-contrast head CT scan to exclude intracranial hemorrhage and identify acute ischemic stroke.
Aug 6, 2020

Guess my age from dental radiographs
This module will walk the learner through the primary and permanent tooth eruption timeline by utilizing animation, panoramic radiographs, interactive quiz and vocal recordings to help with information retention in a time-efficient manner.
Apr 30, 2020

Anemia in Older Adults
This interactive e-learning module will help providers and clinicians assess, identify, diagnose, and treat anemia syndromes as seen in the geriatric population.
Apr 10, 2019

Differential Diagnosis of Periapical Lesions
This module will assist the learner to identify likely differential diagnosis for periapical radiolucencies.
Jan 21, 2019

Pediatric Malnutrition (Failure to Thrive) Part B: Neurologic, Endocrine, Renal & Infectious
This module is designed for third-year medical students on their pediatrics clerkship to learn more about pediatric malnutrition. This module will prepare learners to have a more in-depth, engaging conversation about this diagnosis and its potential causes.
Apr 4, 2018

Pediatric Malnutrition (Failure to Thrive) Part A: Cardiac, Pulmonary, Gastrointestinal, & Social
This module is designed for third-year medical students on their pediatrics clerkship to learn more about pediatric malnutrition. This module will prepare learners to have a more in-depth, engaging conversation about this diagnosis and its potential causes.
Apr 4, 2018