Category: Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physiology
Anatomy of the Biliary Tract
This module offers a review of gallbladder and biliary tree anatomy via virtual dissection images and cross-sectional imaging including ultrasound and CT. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017

Anatomy of the Pancreas
Review the anatomy of the pancreas with virtual dissection images, cross-sectional images, and interactive quizzes. Average time to complete module: 15 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017

Genitourinary Anatomy
This module provides the learner with a quick review of GU anatomy via virtual dissection images and cross-sectional imaging including ultrasound and CT. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017

Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System
This module offers a review of the female pelvis anatomy with virtual dissection images and interactive quizzes. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017

Anatomy of the Female Breast
This module provides the learner with a review of breast anatomy via virtual dissection images and imaging including mammography, ultrasound and MRI. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017

Anatomy of the Thyroid & Surrounding Structures
Review the anatomy of the neck and surrounding structure through virtual dissection images, multimodality imaging, and interactive quizzes. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017