Category: Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physiology
Common Infectious Diseases in the Pediatric Clinic
Common Infectious Diseases in the Pediatric Clinic focuses on the sequelae, treatments, and characteristics of infectious diseases commonly seen in the Pediatric clinic.
Apr 3, 2018

Interpreting Blood Culture Panels
This module explains result interpretation of the FILMARRAY® Blood Culture Identification (BCID) panel which is used to identify common bloodstream pathogens and three antibiotic resistance genes. This module is applicable to both practicing providers and students who will be entering the clinical realm as it provides example patient results, demonstrates interpretation of positive culture results and […]
Apr 3, 2018

Media in the Clinical Microbiology Lab
This e-learning module provides an overview of media routinely used in the clinical microbiology lab to cultivate bacteria.
Oct 13, 2017

UNMC Gross Anatomy Lab Introduction
After completing this module, the user will have an understanding of the expectations and regulations of the Gross Anatomy Lab at UNMC.
Sep 8, 2017

Linked Recognition: T-Cell & B-Cell cross-talk – A fail-safe for antibody production
This module provides an overview of the events, cells and cytokines that precede and are involved in the process of linked recognition. The goal is to provide the individual viewer with an understanding of how the immune system is structured through communication systems such that it is assured that an antibody is made against a potentially […]
Jul 26, 2017

Anatomy of the Liver
The module offers a review of hepatic segments, vasculature, and relational anatomy using virtual dissection images and cross-sectional imaging. Average time to complete module: 15 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017