University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: April Elker

Range of Motion Examination of the Cervical Spine

This is a highly interactive module about ROM of the cervical spine.

May 1, 2015

Biostatistics Primer – Inference Basics: More Practice

This is a 20 question quiz to test your knowledge on inference basics.

May 1, 2014

Biostatistics Primer – Study Design

In this module, concepts relating to study design are covered. This includes types of experimental and observational studies, and strengths and limitations of different designs.

May 1, 2014

Biostatistics Primer – Risk

In this module, concepts related to summarizing risk will be discussed, including risk and odds, relative risk and odds ratios, risk reduction, and numbers needed to treat and to harm.

May 1, 2014

Biostatistics Primer – Inference Basics

In this module, concepts related to statistical inference will be discussed, including the basic concepts behind hypothesis testing, common statistical tests, and when to use each type of test.

May 1, 2014

Biostatistics Primer – Summarizing Data: More Practice

This module is a 17 question quiz to help students master summarizing data.

May 1, 2014