Author: April Elker
Testicular Fracture: A Male Reproductive System Case Study
Ouch! Investigate this traumatic surgical emergency through an interactive case report and imaging studies. Average time to complete module: 15 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017

Neck Abscess: A Head & Neck Pathology Case Study
This pathology wasn’t the biggest pain in the neck for the patient in this case study but a large palpable neck mass became a cause for investigation. Review this module to learn more about abnormal lab values and see this pathology on ultrasound and CT images. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. […]
Jul 21, 2017

Anatomy of the Thyroid & Surrounding Structures
Review the anatomy of the neck and surrounding structure through virtual dissection images, multimodality imaging, and interactive quizzes. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017

Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma: A Neck Pathology Case Study
Where does this cancer originate and at what age does it typically present? If you do not know, use this e-Module to explore this malignancy. Average time to complete module: 15 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017

Parathyroid Adenoma: A Neck Pathology Case Study
“Bones, stones, groans and psychiatric moans” can be associated with this pathology; learn more with this e-Module. Average time to complete module: 20 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017

The interactive quizzes, cross-sectional scans, and virtual dissection images in this module will help review basic anatomy of the brain. Average time to complete module: 25 minutes (Updated Nov. 2023)
Jul 21, 2017