University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: April Elker

Blood Flow

This e-module will review the normal flow of blood through the heart. The concepts of preload and afterload will then be discussed so the learner will understand what alterations can affect these concepts and cause potential problems.

Aug 9, 2018

Heart Failure

This e-module will describe heart failure. It will describe the forward and backward effects of right heart failure and left heart failure. It will then relate the clinical manifestations seen with each and why we see them.

Aug 8, 2018

Pathophysiology of Hypertension

This e-module will review factors that control blood pressure.  It will then describe the components involved in the neural control of blood pressure.  Then it will describe the details of how this neural control of blood pressure responds to changes in blood pressure.

Aug 8, 2018

Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System

This emodule will review the role of the Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System in the body, and will describe the main components of how it works. Also, how the Renin-Angiotensin Aldosterone System adjusts to changes in blood flow/blood pressure are described.

Aug 8, 2018

Cyto-Histo morphologic correlation of squamous lesions of the FGT

This E-module highlights the similarities between the cytologic morphology and the histologic morphology of squamous lesions in the female genital tract.

Apr 9, 2018

Primer on the Mental Status Exam

If you’ve learned about the mental status exam, but feel swamped by its vocabulary or if the thought of administering one is panic-inducing, this module is for you! Live-drawings and mnemonics will help sort it all out in your mind, and rapid-fire review of terms given descriptions of patient presentations will make that instant recall […]

Apr 9, 2018