University of Nebraska Medical Center

Author: April Elker

Listening with Your Eyes. Observation for Excellent Patient Care.

Learning general survey is key to preparing students to successfully interact and care for patients in a variety of settings. By improving visual literacy skills through tasks on this module, students improve their understanding of general survey and their clinical reasoning decisions about the patient’s physical therapy plan of care to improve their movement and […]

Apr 10, 2019

Guided Exploration of the Medical Record for Therapists: Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Systems

This module provides a guided tour through the electronic medical record (EMR) with focus on identifying and defining the components important to review when treating an individual with a cardiovascular or pulmonary disease. The guided tour first highlights the important information found in the Medical History component of the EMR.   The tour continues by identifying […]

Apr 10, 2019

Obesity Bias

This e-module defines and identifies the types of obesity bias that present within interprofessional clinical scenarios. This learning modality offers ample reflection and interaction questions to solidify instances of bias and reinforce alternative behaviors that can help mitigate obesity bias in clinical practice.  

Apr 10, 2019

Anemia in Older Adults

This interactive e-learning module will help providers and clinicians assess, identify, diagnose, and treat anemia syndromes as seen in the geriatric population.   

Apr 10, 2019

Clinical Reasoning Using the International Classification of Functioning

This module is designed to help the learner understand the process of using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) to assist in making clinical decisions about examination items for a physical therapist or other health care professional making a first visit to a patient in a home setting.

Apr 3, 2019

Differential Diagnosis of Periapical Lesions

This module will assist the learner to identify likely differential diagnosis for periapical radiolucencies.

Jan 21, 2019