Author: April Elker
The purpose of this e-module is to educate graduate health profession students, as well as healthcare providers, on how to approach a non-contrast head CT scan to exclude intracranial hemorrhage and identify acute ischemic stroke.
Aug 6, 2020
This module serves as a comprehensive review of laboratory safety and practices. It provides training not only on personal laboratory safety but also training to ensure a safe working environment for all.
Jul 1, 2020
This interactive module will include commonly faced scenarios in the healthcare setting where the importance of cultural awareness will be highlighted (dental examples are used but they would be generalizable to other health professions). The sections will cover concepts of cultural difference, implicit association/bias, assessing situations objectively, using communication skills effectively, decision making to take culturally aware and appropriate actions with […]
Apr 30, 2020
This module reviews the indications, contraindications, site selection, landmarks and other key components for intraosseous line (IO) placement. IO Lines are an emergency vascular access device used in critical situations to deliver medications.
Apr 30, 2020
Guess my age from dental radiographs
This module will walk the learner through the primary and permanent tooth eruption timeline by utilizing animation, panoramic radiographs, interactive quiz and vocal recordings to help with information retention in a time-efficient manner.
Apr 30, 2020
Green sheet is a full head to toe physical exam. These clinical skills are mastered prior to going out on clinical rotations. The module is visual and auditory guide to aid students in their learning of the green sheet. It provides an interactive way to learn each component of the physical exam that includes how […]
Apr 30, 2020