University of Nebraska Medical Center


The Process of Research

Upon completion of this e-module, participants will be able to describe the steps in planning a research project, apply knowledge and skills presented by completing activity templates related to a research idea, and assemble a study plan using the process steps and tools presented in the e-module.

Nov 18, 2021

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Introduction to Pharmaceutical Science – Math Module

This module is designed to be a math review for students prior to entering pharmacy school. Students will calculate basic arithmetic, convert units and discuss the use of semi-logarithmic graphs.

Sep 27, 2021

Vital Signs

This learning module discusses the processes for measuring and documenting each of the five vital signs. Learners will practice the process and norms for each vital sign.  

Aug 6, 2021

EMS Mortuary Services: Transport Operations

This module describes the critical logistical elements of the pre-transport, operational, and post-transport phases. The module will also cover proper infection control concepts, including zones of contamination, that are critical to the three phases of transport: pre-transport, operational, and post-transport.

Jul 12, 2021

EMS Mortuary Services: Ambulance Infection Control for Biocontainment Transport

This module describes the critical elements of risk assessment, preparation and planning required for a biocontainment transport of a patient with an airborne transmission illness, Ebola virus disease or another highly infectious disease. The module identifies situations when ambulance draping might be employed and discuss equipment that can be used to protect the ambulance patient […]

Jul 12, 2021

Over-the-Counter Products for Cough & Cold: Cough Medicine

This video provides an overview of OTC cough medications.

Jul 1, 2021