University of Nebraska Medical Center

Our Team

Dr Ashley Wysong with Arms Crossed

A Message From Our Chair

At the University of Nebraska Medical Center Department of Dermatology, we are proud to provide exceptional patient care, innovative research and education for the next generation of dermatologists in Nebraska and beyond. We seek to fulfill our part of the shared mission at Nebraska Medicine and UNMC: "to lead the world in transforming lives to create a healthy future for all individuals and communities through premier educational programs, innovative research, and extraordinary patient care."

Our department was established by the College of Medicine and approved by the University of Nebraska Board of Regents on May 25, 2016, and we were officially founded on May 1, 2018. While Nebraska has been underserved in dermatology historically, we have rapidly built on the rich history of UNMC dating back to the end of the 19th century. Over the last six years, we have recruited over 20 academic dermatologists dedicated to training the next generation, we have built clinical programs at Nebraska Medicine, Children’s Nebraska and the Omaha VA (Veterans Affairs) Hospital and we have designed outstanding educational and research programs. In addition, we have created robust community service and outreach programs providing skin cancer screenings and dermatologic education to extend our care and expertise to schools, sporting fields, community organizations, the rural areas of Nebraska and beyond. We plan to work closely with our community-based dermatologists and volunteer clinical faculty in the Omaha area, and regionally, to enhance the department's growing educational and research missions.

With the generous support of our alumni and friends, we will continue to (CUT), train future leaders in dermatology, develop innovative research protocols, and alleviate suffering from skin, hair, and nail disorders in our community. I am humbled to be the founding chair of our department and to have the opportunity to serve the people of Nebraska. We welcome your feedback and involvement in enhancing our efforts at the UNMC Department of Dermatology.

With gratitude,

Ashley Wysong MD, MS
Professor and Founding Chair
William W. Bruce MD Distinguished Chair of Dermatology
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Department of Dermatology