Internal Grants
Below are research-related grant and award opportunities available to faculty at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Please read below to obtain the criteria for each. Grant and award amounts are subject to annual review and may be adjusted accordingly. Applications and/or nominations for the awards listed are submitted during the application period to Jen Brady. Contact the office of Research & Development to determine the application deadline for the current year.

The Joseph P. and Harriet K. Gilmore Distinguished New Investigator Award
This award is a long standing tradition in the College of Medicine to recognize the research accomplishments of faculty who are emerging as outstanding independent investigators.
Bridge Funding is intended to provide critical support to established investigators threatened by an imminent lapse in research funding; both traditional bridge and retooling funding are available. This program provides a mechanism to maintain productive researchers in immediate danger of having to close down their laboratories due to exhaustion of all resources. All applicants must provide compelling evidence of need for bridge funding and how the funding will likely result in future large-scale or national funding.
- Accepts applications year-round as funds are available
The primary intent of this award is to support investigators in their efforts to obtain preliminary data for extramural funding for asthma research. There will be one award in the amount of $15,000 for one year. The application is limited to 3 pages with sections to include background, significance, innovation, and approach with supportive data if applicable such as you would submit in a NIH grant application. At the end of the application, a time line should be present which must include plans for submission for extramural funding and has the source(s) stated. Please also include the attached face page regarding compliance information. The budget is to be one page and cannot include faculty salary or travel. Collaborators from other departments, colleges or institutes, are allowed, but the PI has to be from UNMC COM. The applicant must be faculty member and not a fellow.
- Accepts applications each fall as funds are available
This funding opportunity is intended for all “All Faculty” (Instructors, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors). Awards are typically ~$50,000. The funds are intended for projects that explore innovative directions in medical science and offer the greatest hope for significant improvement in healthcare. The hypothesis should be clearly stated, and should include how the data obtained will be used to prove or disprove the hypothesis. All aspects of disease-related research will be considered.
Proposals should include a first page with the investigators name, position, department, title of proposal, the hypothesis, and the specific aim(s). It should also include whether human or animal research will be conducted, and please note those approvals are needed before the start of research. The proposal will follow and it is to be a maximum of three pages. The proposal itself should contain a background, significance, innovation, any preliminary data (not required) and the research plan. Conclude with a statement on how the research will be sustained after the funding ends (i.e. extramural or other funding plans). An additional 1-page reference list can follow. A one-year budget for $50,000 should also be included, along with a budget justification, and is not included in the three-page limit. Please use the NIH format for budget and justification. Each application will be reviewed by the Research and Development Committee of the College of Medicine with final approval by the Dean of the College of Medicine.
- Accepts applications each spring as funds are available
The Joseph P. and Harriet K. Gilmore Distinguished New Investigator Award is a long standing tradition in the College of Medicine to recognize the research accomplishments of faculty who are emerging as outstanding independent investigators. The recipient will be recognized at a symposium and reception sponsored by the Dean of the College of Medicine. The criteria for selection of candidates are that they must be at the assistant professor level with demonstrated excellence and productivity in research. The award will recognize the accomplishments of faculty doing biomedical research. Department leaders are instructed to forward your nominating letter and any other supportive materials including a current CV of the nominee during the nomination period.
- Accepts nominations each fall
This funding opportunity is intended for “Junior Faculty” (Instructors, Assistant Professors, and Associate Professors without tenure). Awards are typically ~$55,000. The funds are intended to spark new, innovative ideas and to test theories so that data can be collected that will lead to sustainable extramural funding (e.g. NIH). These projects will push the limit of breakthrough thinking and go outside the constraints of “safe science.” The hypothesis should be clearly stated, and should include how the data obtained will be used to prove or disprove the hypothesis. The donor family has a particular interest in cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, but all aspects of disease-related research will be considered.
Proposals should include a first page with the investigators name, position, department, title of proposal, the hypothesis, and the specific aim(s). It should also include whether human or animal research will be conducted, and please note those approvals are needed before the start of research. The proposal will follow and it is to be a maximum of three pages. The proposal itself should contain a background, significance, innovation, any preliminary data (not required) and the research plan. An additional 1-page reference list can follow. A budget for $55,000 should also be included, along with a budget justification, and is not included in the three-page limit. Each application will be reviewed by the Research and Development Committee of the College of Medicine with final approval by the Dean of the College of Medicine.
- Accepts applications each spring as funds are available
The Program provides two $10,000 awards and will be made for one basic and one clinical proposal. The funds will be made available by application for faculty, postdoctoral fellows, residents, and (MD) fellows. The project for the funding should be the applicant’s idea. It must be new and in support of Parkinson’s disease research and/or education in the Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience or the Department of Neurological Sciences in the College of Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The funding cannot be used for travel. It must be expended within one year of the date received. Please send a copy of your proposal and include preliminary data if available, a copy of your CV, and if applicable, the mentor of postdoctoral fellows, residents, and (MD) fellows supporting the application. At the end of the proposal include a statement of the future direction of your project. Each application will be reviewed by the Research and Development Committee of the College of Medicine with final approval by the Dean of the College of Medicine.
- Accepts applications each fall as funds are available