University of Nebraska Medical Center

Kearney Campus Questions & Answers

Attending the UNMC College of Medicine at Kearney regional campus allows students the opportunity to receive an educational experience equivalent to students in Omaha, while living and studying in a rural setting.

The Kearney campus is an ideal fit for students interested in rural primary care, but also for students wanting to pursue a specialty field of medicine while living and working in Greater Nebraska, providing much-needed health care to Nebraska’s rural citizens. The medical curriculum is identical to that of the Omaha campus – the same course structure, assessments/evaluations, graduation requirements and policies. There only is one UNMC College of Medicine and one medical school curriculum, which now is offered on two campuses.

Kearney-based students may participate in clinical rotations on the Omaha campus for specialty fields not widely available in Greater Nebraska. Students will work closely with advisers to determine their individual specialty choice and learning plan.

Admissions, Campus Preference

How can I request to attend the UNMC College of Medicine on the Kearney campus?
All students, no matter their preference of where to train, will apply and be accepted into the UNMC College of Medicine using the same application and interview process. Applicants will be asked to indicate their preferred campus after their interview. This information will be kept confidential from the admissions committee. Near the end of the process and after acceptance, the college will assign students to a training site accommodating their preferences as much as possible while considering fairness.
As a KHOP or RHOP student, am I guaranteed a spot in Kearney?
A student’s RHOP or KHOP status will be taken into consideration when campus placement is determined, but Kearney placement is not guaranteed.
As an RHOP/KHOP students, will I be required to go to the Kearney campus?
No. RHOP/KHOP students will be asked their preference, as will all other students.
What will the instructional facilities look like?
Medical students at the Kearney campus will participate in instruction in large group classrooms, small-group rooms and a gross anatomy lab. There also is a clinical simulation center, which has identical capabilities and technology to those available in Omaha. In addition to instructional facilities, ample study spaces will be available for students. Students will have full access to UNMC’s Leon S. McGoogan Health Sciences Library, with a catalog of resources available online or through intra- and interlibrary loan, as well as the assistance of an onsite library liaison.
Will academic and career advising be different on the Kearney campus?
  • Student Affairs meetings: Many meetings with deans and other advisors currently are done remotely. In addition, on-campus representatives of the UNMC Office of Admissions and Student Affairs will be present. 
  • Directors of Academic Advising meetings: All Kearney students will be assigned an academic advisor; these meetings currently also are done remotely.  However, an on-campus faculty academic advisor also will be available.
  • Tutoring: Tutoring will be delivered both in-person on the Kearney campus and remotely.
If I go to Kearney campus, am I expected to go into primary care? Will other clinical rotations be available?
The full range of residency opportunities, not simply primary care, will be available. Most clinical experiences are available in Greater Nebraska, including all required rotations and many subspecialty electives. Certain specialized rotations (e.g. transplant surgery) will only be available at the Omaha campus. However, Kearney-based students will be able to participate in these rotations in Omaha if they choose.
Can students transfer to Omaha (or Omaha students to Kearney) post-matriculation?
Students will not be able to transfer between campuses during Phase 1. However, as the curriculum is identical, students can choose to take clinical rotations in Phases 2 and 3 in Omaha or Greater Nebraska depending on their interests.
Why is there a UNMC College of Medicine at Kearney?
The Kearney campus will expand opportunities for medical students to train in Greater Nebraska, particularly in rural and smaller communities, with the aim of increasing the number of physicians of all specialties that will practice throughout the state. This also provides a chance for some students to choose to complete medical school closer to home communities.
Does the UNMC College of Medicine at Kearney have a different or unique mission?
No. The mission of the medical programs at the regional campus in Kearney and the main campus in Omaha is the same. The mission of the College of Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center is to lead the world in transforming lives to create a healthy future for all individuals and communities through premier educational programs, innovative research, and extraordinary patient care.
What attributes are you looking for in a successful student for the first medical class in Kearney?
As in any organization, trust and performance are two key characteristics that help develop a healthy culture. We are seeking individuals who are adept at working effectively in teams and supporting one another. With the smaller campus size in Kearney, there will be an emphasis on creating this type of nurturing community.
What is unique about attending the college’s Kearney campus?
The most unique aspect of attending the Kearney campus is the opportunity to live, study and work in a more rural environment. Many students who choose to attend the Kearney campus will do so because they love the lifestyle that exists in rural areas. The small class size also will provide an opportunity to get to know the staff and faculty on a more personal level. Additionally, there will be an opportunity in Kearney to be involved in a community leadership program that will connect students with community members who will mentor leadership skills.
How will scholarships be allocated to Kearney students?
All UNMC medical scholarships are awarded through a standard process overseen by a committee. Merit-based scholarships are distributed based solely on grade data. Every student who meets eligibility for each donor-funded scholarship is equally considered, regardless of their location. The committee ensures that funds are distributed in an equitable manner among all students to the greatest degree possible.
What are the anticipated initial challenges of the UNMC College of Medicine at Kearney?
One initial challenge for the college’s Kearney campus will be establishing preceptor relationships with medical communities throughout Greater Nebraska. Many of these relationships already exist throughout the state, especially in primary care. However, these communities and partners will be asked to provide a much more immersive and longitudinal experience for medical students.
How can students contribute to the success of the UNMC College of Medicine’s Kearney campus?
The best way that students can help the Kearney campus succeed is by fully engaging with the curriculum and the faculty, as well as providing constructive feedback and availing themselves of opportunities to be involved in the programs, organizations and activities of both the college and the other programs at the Kearney campus.

Curriculum, Clinical Training, Research

What is the class size?
Approximately 15 students will begin medical school at the Kearney campus in fall 2026, although class sizes may increase in the coming years. Matriculating students on the Kearney and Omaha campuses are part of the same graduating class.
Can I be a competitive residency applicant if I attend medical school in Kearney?
Without a doubt. Medical students who choose the Kearney campus will be as prepared as students on the Omaha campus, and again, all students are considered members of the UNMC College of Medicine. Kearney-based students also will receive the same support for residency interviews. Students also will have access to Omaha facilities, classes and clinical opportunities, if needed, to achieve residency requirements.
Will all the instruction at Kearney be delivered remotely?
All interactive activities (laboratories, small groups, clinical skills and communication sessions, problem-based learning, etc.) will take place in person on both the Kearney and Omaha campuses. These account for approximately 40% of contact hours in each course. Lectures will be streamed to either campus depending on where the faculty member delivering the content is located. This will have no significant impact on students’ experience on either campus.
Will all exams have the same questions at the Kearney and Omaha campuses?
Yes. All assessments will be identical, regardless of the training site.
Will the faculty and the dean be open to student feedback?
Leadership, administration and faculty will be open to feedback. In fact, this information will be critical. Students will have the chance to provide feedback through multiple mechanisms, including course/faculty evaluations and focus groups. There also will be methods for students to leave anonymous feedback using an online form in real time. Additionally, students at the Kearney campus will have elected class representatives who will meet with faculty leaders and the educational deans multiple times a month to address any issues.
Will I be required to come to Omaha during Phase I at any point?
Students will not be required to travel to Omaha for required activities during Phase 1. 
If I attend the Kearney campus, will my ID badge allow me to attend lectures in person in Omaha if I happen to be there?
As all students are part of the UNMC College of Medicine, ID badges will give students at Kearney access to all facilities that are available to students in Omaha.
How will I interact with other health professions students?
The Kearney campus will offer the chance to interact more closely in an interprofessional environment with students in nursing, allied health, pharmacy and other programs.
Will I have access to research opportunities?
All medical students will be able to participate in structured research programs (such as the Medical Student Summer Research Program), regardless of their location. Students also will be able to access research opportunities through their career specialty track director and the director of undergraduate medical research.
Will the cadaver lab experience be comparable?
Anatomy laboratory facilities and instruction will be identical between the two campuses.
Will anatomy faculty have experience working with medical students?
All faculty, including those that teach anatomy, are highly knowledgeable and have experience in teaching medical students.
Where will I train in the clinical phases of the curriculum?
Each clerkship and department will have training opportunities available at Greater Nebraska sites throughout Phases 2 and 3. A student beginning their training in Kearney will be able to do almost all clinical rotations at sites outside of the Omaha/Lincoln area. However, they also will be able to participate in experiences on the Omaha campus depending on their interests or career goals. Housing options will be available in both Greater Nebraska and Omaha/Lincoln for these experiences.
Do I need my own transportation to travel for clinical rotations? Will there be a travel stipend?
While the college currently is exploring options for transportation to sites, it is advisable for students to have their own transportation during clinical experiences in Greater Nebraska communities to better enable them to participate in patient care activities that may occur outside of standard work hours. Additional financial aid will be available for such expenses, if needed.
Will UNMC-supported housing be available for clinical rotations in Omaha?

There will be housing available to students from the Kearney campus when participating in rotations in Omaha. 

Is housing provided for clinical rotations outside of the Kearney medical community during Phases 2 and 3?
If a site is more than approximately 30 minutes from where a student has housing available, it will be provided by the college. 

Health & Wellness

How will I get health care?
Students will have access to a full-service student health clinic located on the Kearney campus with services that are identical to those offered at the Omaha campus. All care is provided by health professionals who are not involved in medical student education to ensure privacy.
How will students apply for accommodations?
Students will be utilize the same system to apply for accommodations as those on the Omaha campus.
Will there be a wellness advocate?
There will be a wellness advocate on campus who will work closely with their counterpart on the Omaha campus to synergize activities and efforts.
Will I have access to clubs and extracurricular activities?
Students will have the opportunity to participate in all UNMC and UNMC College of Medicine organizations, including UNMC Student Senate and interest groups related to specialties. In addition, they can get involved in groups/activities occurring at the Kearney location. Kearney-based medical students will have elected representatives who work closely with their counterparts in Omaha to ensure that all students are aware of opportunities for extracurricular and leadership activities.
How do the fitness facilities and extramural opportunities for medical students compare between the two campuses?
Students at the Kearney campus will have access to the University of Nebraska at Kearney fitness/wellness facilities. In addition, extramural activities (often with students from other UNMC programs based in Kearney) also will be available.