About Us
From Our Dean

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the University of Nebraska College of Medicine. Your journey into the health care profession is just beginning and let me be the first to not only congratulate you but also welcome you.
You have worked long and hard to get to this point but your work is only beginning. Medicine is life-long learning, and we are here to give you the tools to assist you in this process and guide you along the path to your eventual career and future practice.
There are many dedicated faculty and staff members throughout the College of Medicine who are here to help you and will join in your successes along the way. Please take advantage of their services and guidance. You will meet many faculty and staff members during the Orientation Week activities and they are looking forward to meeting you.
Bradley Britigan, MD
UNMC College of Medicine
The mission of the College of Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center is to lead the world in transforming lives to create a healthy future for all individuals and communities through premier educational programs, innovative research, and extraordinary patient care.
The vision of the College of Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center is to be a world-renowned health sciences center that:
- Delivers state-of-the-art health care;
- Prepares the best-educated health professionals and scientists;
- Ranks among the leading research centers;
- Advances our historic commitment to community health;
- Embraces the richness of diversity to build unity;
- Creates economic growth in Nebraska.

In the 2021-2022 academic year, the University of Nebraska received full accreditation of the medical education program for an eight-year term.

Clinical Partners
UNMC regularly partners with local hospitals and providers to offer a full spectrum of opportunities to our medical students, residents, and fellows.

Educational Offices
Find contact information for the offices that support our educational mission: The Office of Admissions and Student Affairs and the Office of Medical Education.

Learn more about the College of Medicine Faculty Council and review committee objectives.

The Edward A. Holyoke, MD, PhD, Society
The Edward A. Holyoke, MD, PhD, Society is a recognition society dedicated to the memory and contributions of a legendary professor, mentor and friend.