The College of Medicine is one of six colleges, two institutes and a graduate studies program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
UNMC is one of four campuses in the University of Nebraska system. Central Administration is located in Lincoln, Nebraska. The university system is governed by a Board of Regents elected by voters.
University of Nebraska
Governing Bodies
Mission and Planning
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the primary entity responsible for faculty governance. The duties and responsibilities of the faculty council:
- Consider any matters pertaining to governance or administration brought before it by the general faculty, volunteer faculty, the dean, a standing or special committee, or by any member of the faculty council.
- Guide administrative policies and procedures of the College of Medicine and support their implementation.
- Advise the dean on strategies and tactics for the College of Medicine as it relates to organization, programs, facilities and administration.
- Bring forth issues of administration, governance or other import to the general faculty for consideration as needed.
- Report activities of the faculty council to the general faculty on a regular basis.
- Develop agenda for faculty meetings in conference with the dean.
- Recommend membership of standing committees and faculty council to the general faculty
- Appoint and charge special committees as needed.
- Approve changes to charters for standing committees.
- Provide feedback to the leadership of the standing and special committees as requested.
Faculty Council Charter | Faculty Council Meeting Minutes
College of Medicine faculty members may submit questions, comments, concerns, or issues for consideration by the Faculty Council by using the General Faculty Submission Form. Note that this form should be used only for issues related to education or research at UNMC and not clinical issues at Nebraska Medicine.
Voting Members, 2023-24
Bradley Britigan, MD, dean of the College of Medicine serves as chair of the faculty council.
Membership list includes term expiration years, if applicable. An asterisk indicates the member is serving a second term and is not eligible for reappointment.
Clinical Departments
- Jeff Harrison, MD, Family Medicine, 2024
- Joseph Khoury, MD, Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology, 2024
- Ron Krueger, MD. Ophthalmology, 2024
- David Mercer, MD, Surgery, 2024
- Debra Romberger, MD, Internal Medicine, 2024
- Kari Simonsen, MD, MBA, Pediatrics, 2024
- Carl Smith, MD, OB/GYN, 2024
- Craig Walker, MD, Radiology, 2024
- Ashley Wysong, MD, Dermatology, 2024
General Faculty
- Sheila Ellis, MD, vice chair, Anesthesiology, 2026*
- Kody Moffatt, MD, Pediatrics, 2026
- Beau Konigsberg, MD, Orthopaedic Surgery, 2026
- Lynn Mack, MD, Internal Medicine, 2026*
- Jennifer Adams, MD, Dermatology, 2026
- Nidhish Tiwari, MBBS, Internal Medicine, 2026
- Trek Langenhan, MD, Internal Medicine, 2026
- Zahid Iqbal, MD, Anesthesiology, 2026
- Olabisi Sheppard, MD, General Surgery, 2026
Basic Science Departments
Vimla Band, PhD, Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy, 2024
Rebekah Gundry, PhD, Cellular and Integrative Physiology, 2024
General Faculty
- Karen Gould, PhD, Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy, 2026
- Kim Latacha, PhD, Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy, 2026*
- Travis McCumber, Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy, 2026
Standing Committees
The Continuing Medical Education Committee charter outlines the charge to the committee as specified in the College of Medicine Bylaws. The charter outlines membership, leadership and procedural details for the committee.
The Faculty Grievance Committee charter outlines the charge to the committee as specified in the College of Medicine Bylaws. The charter outlines membership, leadership, and procedural details for the committee.
The Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee charter outlines the charge to the committee as specified in the College of Medicine Bylaws. The charter outlines membership, leadership, and procedural details for the committee.
The Finance Committee charter outlines the charge to the committee as specified in the College of Medicine Bylaws. The charter outlines membership, leadership, and procedural details for the committee.
The Graduate Medical Education Committee charter outlines the charge to the committee as specified in the College of Medicine Bylaws. The charter outlines membership, leadership, and procedural details for the committee.
The Medical Student Admissions Committee charter outlines the charge to the committee as specified in the College of Medicine Bylaws. The charter outlines membership, leadership, and procedural details for the committee.
The Medical Student Curriculum Committee charter outlines the charge to the committee as specified in the College of Medicine Bylaws. The charter outlines membership, leadership, and procedural details for the committee.
- Medical Student Curriculum Committee Annual Report
- Medical Student Curriculum Committee Charter
- Committee Procedures and Subcommittees
The Medical Student Evaluation Committee charter outlines the charge to the committee as specified in the College of Medicine Bylaws. The charter outlines membership, leadership, and procedural details for the committee.
The Research and Development Committee charter outlines the charge to the committee as specified in the College of Medicine Bylaws. The charter outlines membership, leadership, and procedural details for the committee.